The Math Habits Tool Project

If you The Math Habits Tool project is dedicated to the development of a tablet-based observational tool for mathematics classrooms. This tool provides unique documenting of what students and teachers do in-the-moment recorded via timestamps.

The components of the tool consist of mathematically productive teaching routines (i.e., the extended teaching structures that can support a focus on student reasoning), catalytic teaching habits (the individual teachers move that can engender students in productive mathematical reasoning), and student habits of mind and interactions (productive ways students engage with mathematics and each other around mathematics.)

Our recent grant has focused on (1) integrating of habits and routines that can promote opportunities for students to access mathematics (2) refining the tool for research purposes and (3) a validation study of its use as a classroom analysis tool and a tool for teachers and school leaders for formative evaluation of instruction.

To cite the research version of the tool:
Melhuish, K., Thanheiser, E., Heaton, R., Sorto, A. Strickland, S., & Sugimoto, A. (2020). The Math Habits Tool – Research Version [Measurement instrument] Retrieved from

If you are interested in the practitioner version of the tool for teachers and school leaders, information can be found: